Remittance Advice

Remittance Advice provides information about the invoices that are being paid as part of a payment. It is very common to deliver the document to the supplier’s email id.

You can retrieve the email id to which the Remittance Advice will be delivered from IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL Table. You can use the below query to find the email id for a given supplier or vendor.

SELECT aps.segment1 "Vendor Number"
,aps.vendor_name "Vendor Name"
,iepa.remit_advice_email "Remittance Advice Email"
FROM  ap_suppliers aps
,iby_external_payees_all iepa
WHERE  iepa.payee_party_id = aps.party_id
AND  aps.vendor_name= ‘&Vendor_Name’;

You can also see the same @ Payment Details at the Supplier / Supplier Site Level. You should navigate to “Separate Remittance Advice Delivery” Tab.  You can select the delivery method as Email and input an email id.

Remittance Advice Email
Remittance Advice Email ID

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions by posting the same in the comments section.

4 Responses

    1. Hi Ahmed,

      Are you trying to update the email id so that the remittance advice can be send to that email id?
      Or are you trying to update the Remittance Advice Template?


  1. How can we populate the remit_advice_email using supplier/supplier site open interface. I mean to which field it should be mapped in the supplier site interface table.


    1. Hi,

      I believe you will have to use APIs for the same.
      Take a look at the public API “AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG” and the private package “IBY_DISBURSEMENT_SETUP_PUB”.
      Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.


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