You are going looking for the Payment Method and Payment Method changes in AP_SUPPLIERS and AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL Tables and you don’t find any. You are disappointed and frustrated. Well don’t you worry, I possibly have the cure for that.

Payment Method for suppliers in R12 can be seen in the below tables:

We know that Payment Method can be defined at Supplier Level, Site Level or both. How do we differentiate in R12?

Importing Suppliers using Open Interface

Using API to create the Payment Method

I have attached a sample code to create the Payment Method using API. You can download the same below:



I will post another one on Update Payment method API. Hope this helps. Post your questions and I will try my best to answer those!!

5 Responses

  1. Hi,
    While looking for details on this API, i came across your website. My case is that a Supplier with 2 sites are already there in the system but no default payment method is present. Data is present in the IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL table but not in the IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS

    My goal is to populate the default payment method and have it displayed in the application,

    My questions are:
    1.Should i be using Create or the Update version of the External_Payee API to create the default payment method
    2. Once the default payment method is populated, will the
    IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS table be populated.
    3. Do i need to use the API 3 times ( 1 for Supplier level, 1 for each of the 2 Vendor sites?)

    1. Hi Savitha,

      1.Should i be using Create or the Update version of the External_Payee API to create the default payment method
      >> I had the same issue and Update API didnt work for me. I had to remove the records and then re-create the records using the Create Payment Method API.
      I will check this once more and let you know.

      2. Once the default payment method is populated, will the IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS table be populated.
      >> Yes

      3. Do i need to use the API 3 times ( 1 for Supplier level, 1 for each of the 2 Vendor sites?)
      >> Yes, you need to call the API three times.

      If you have more questions, feel free to let me know in the comments section.


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