Update Supplier Payment Method

Hey all.. This is in continuation to my blog on “Create Payment Method API“. Let us take a look at how to update payment method using APIs. API => iby_disbursement_setup_pub.update_external_payee My requirement was to update the payment method for all the supplier sites that has payment method as “EFT” but no Bank Information. You may download […]

Create Payment Method for Supplier in R12

You are going looking for the Payment Method and Payment Method changes in AP_SUPPLIERS and AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL Tables and you don’t find any. You are disappointed and frustrated. Well don’t you worry, I possibly have the cure for that. Payment Method for suppliers in R12 can be seen in the below tables: IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS We know […]