ChatGPT for Advanced SQL Queries

high angle photo of robot

In my previous article, I shared my experience with ChatGPT and described how I was able to generate working SQL queries using the tool. If you missed it, you could read the article to learn more about my journey exploring ChatGPT. In today’s article I want to show you how you can get more advanced SQL Queries […]

ChatGPT for SQL Queries

high angle photo of robot

You might have already tried out ChatGPT. So have I. Today I wanted to share some of my experiences using ChatGPT. For this post, I will share the results of the questions that I had regarding SQL Queries. I was curious to know if I can get accurate SQL statements. And to my surprise, YES!! […]

Introduction To Apache Hive For SQL Programmers

Hive Intro

I have always wondered how someone with SQL knowledge can work in a Big Data environment or to be more precise, in an HDFS environment. Can we use our SQL skills to analyze data? Do we have to learn Java or Map Reduce to do the analysis? After a few years of questioning, I thought of […]

Interesting SQL and PLSQL Tips and Tricks

This blog covers some interesting SQL and PLSQL Tips and Tricks. I will try to include some interesting functions and plsql solutions to some interesting requirements. Find Last Day of the Month SQL Function :- LAST_DAY() SELECT LAST_DAY(SYSDATE) FROM DUAL Find First Day of the Current Month SQL Function:- Combination of LAST_DAY () and ADD_MONTHS […]

Useful Oracle Apps Queries

Below are a list of SQL Queries that will be useful during your day to day activities. 1. Concurrent Programs Assigned to a Request Group SELECT fcpv.concurrent_program_name SHORT_NAME ,fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name CONC_PROG_NAME ,frg.request_group_name REQ_GROUP_NAME FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv ,fnd_request_groups frg ,fnd_request_group_units frgu WHERE fcpv.concurrent_program_id = frgu.request_unit_id AND fcpv.enabled_flag = ‘Y’ AND frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id AND frg.request_group_name = ‘&request_group_name’; […]